(Last Update: 2004/04/16)
New Function of GRASS i18n Version
Internationalized(i18n) Functions
(1) The menu of tcltkgrass(tcltkgrass-i18n)
The menu of tcltkgrass which is the GUI of GRASS was internationalized.
Tcltkgrass of the i18n version consists of "tcltkgrass-i18n" new command and modules include message catalogue(ja.msg, en.msg).
Depending on the locale (LANG) environment, tcltkgras can be displayed in both Japanese(EUC-JP, SJIS,UTF-8) and English (LANG=C).
1.start GRASS
$ grass5
2.start tcltkgrass-i18n
- GRASS:‾>tcltkgrass-i18n&
note) tcltkgrass-i18n needs mlterm. You must install mlterm before GRASS installation.
(2) Command Help
"command help" which is main help for the commands of GRASS was internationalized. The command help dialog box can be displayed in tcltkgrass by clicking the right button of the mouse over a menu item or on a "RUN" (execute) button of a comman dialog.
Command help can be invoked also in a shell by typing the following:
- GRASS:‾>command help
(3) The Text on the GRASS Monitor
The text (character strings)displayed on the GRASS monitor was internatinalized. Internationalization does not use vector fonts simillar to the original version, but instead uses TrueType fonts which enables the display of Double Byte characters such as Japanese character set. To set up TrueType fonts a new command "d.font.freetype" has been added to perform font and character encodings.
This internationalization can now display Japanese and other language text from site labels, legends, etc.
1.to enable to display a TrueType font on the monitor
- GRASS:‾>d.mon start x0
- GRASS:‾>d.font.freetype [font=trutypefontname] [charset=encoding]
- [font]:TrueType font path(full path include font file name)
- [charset]:character encoding(EUC-JP,UTF-8,SJIS)
- ex.)Redhat Linux9
- GRASS:‾>d.font.freetype font=/usr/share/fonts/ja/TrueType/kochi-gothic.ttf charset=EUC-JP
2.to disable to display a TrueType font on the monitor
- GRASS:‾>d.font.freetype font=
- note) Font option such as d.site.labels command are ignored if you select a TrueType font.
This program is free software. The license below follows the original license version of GRASS.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of thr GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licnese. or ( at your option) any later version.
Please refer to COPYING of package appending, and GPL.TXT for details.
GRASS i18n Project Members:
Masumoto Shinji, Venkatesh Raghavan, Nonogaki Susumu, Nemoto Tatsuya, Hirai Naoki (Osaka City University, Japan)
Hagiwara Akira, Niwa Makoto, Mori Toru (Orkney Inc., Japan)
Hattori Norihiro (E-Solution Service, Inc., Japan)
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IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan)