i18n Version of tcltkgrass and nviz2.2


The tar.gz file tcltkgrass-i18n.tar.gz includes the I18n (internationalized) Version of tcltkgrass and nviz2.2 and necessary Japanese message language files tcltkgrass-i18n and nviz-i18n version.



Download tcltkgrass-i18n.tar.gz file.

Untaring the tcltkgrass-i18n.tar.gz in the existing GRASS_HOME (e.g. /usr/local/grass5) files will create the following directories and create necessary files for the i18n version.

  e.g.    cp  tcltkgrass-i18n.tar.gz  /usr/local/grass5

              cd  /usr/local/grass5

              tar  -zxvf  tcltkgrass-i18n.tar.gz


tcltkgrass-i18n related files

a)     tcltkgrass-i18n directory and sub-directories will be created.

b)     the ja.msg (Japanese messages) file will be copied to tcltkgrass-i18n/main/ directory.

c)      d.dm-i18n (display manager command) and ja.msg (Japanese messages for d.dm-i18n) files will be copied in the grass5/scripts/ directory.

d)     tcltkgrass-i18n file will be copied in the grass5/bin directory.


nviz2.2-i18n related files

e)     nviz2.2-i18n directory and sub-directories will be created in the grass5/etc directry (excluding NVWISH2.2 file)..

f)      the ja.msg (Japanese messages) file will be copied nviz2.2-i18n/scripts/ directory.

g)     help_frame-i18n.tcl and html_library-i18n.tcl files will be copied to the grass5/documents/nviz/ directory

h)     the nviz-i18n file will be copied in the grass5/bin directory


User setting (requirement)

User must set his locale to the desired language before using tcltkgrass-i18n and nviz-i18n.

If default language is English (LANG=C), English version of tcltkgrass-i18n and nviz-i18n can be used.

The Japanese version of tcltkgrass-i18n and nviz-i18n can be used after changing the locale to Japanese


About tcl/tk requirements

In case of multi-byte characters (e.g. Japanese), displaying window title was possible only for tcl/tk version 8.4 and later. This is issue is related to i18n compliance of tcl/tk.



localizing to other languages

copy the en.msg files as follows;

> cp grass5/tcltkgrass-i18n/main/en.msg grass5/tcltkgrass-i18n/main/XX.msg

 (XX is the locale code eg. de for german, th for thai etc.)

> cp grass5/scripts/en.msg grass5/scripts/XX.msg

> cp grass5/etc/nviz2.2-i18n/scripts/en.msg  grass5/etc/nviz2.2-i18n/scripts/XX.msg


You can then edit all the XX.msg files to the desired language (Unicode UTF-8 is supported). For desired languages, the Unicode-8 version of the XX.msg needs to be created.  In case of Japanese multi-byte character-sets EUC-JP and Shift-JIS is also supported.

Example of message;

Original >> ::msgcat::mcset en “File(F)” “File(F)”

Changed << ::msgcat::mcset yy “File(F)” “zz(F)”

    Where yy is the locale code and zz is the message in desired language (UTF-8 encoding). Only roman character (e.g. (F)) can be used for shortcuts.


Example of Japanese Version


Masumoto Shinji, Venkatesh Raghavan, Nonogaki Susumu, Nemoto Tatsuya, Hirai Naoki (Osaka City University, Japan), Hagiwara Akira, Niwa Makoto, Mori Toru (Orkney Inc., Tokyo), Hattori Norihiro (E-Solution Service, Inc., Osaka); Project sponsored by IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan)