i18n Version of GRASS : Source Code Package
This pacakage is Linux source code for GRASS 5.0.3 internatinalized (i18n) version in gzipped tar format.
Get source code:
1.download the soucre code package file
which is the GRASS-i18n source code except tcltkgrass-i18n in a single file.
To extract do following-
# tar Czxf [source_dir] grass5.0.3_i18n_src.tar.gz
[source_dir]:extract directory(ex. /usr/src)
2.download tcltkgrass-i18n package file
which is the tcltkgrass-i18n in a single file.
Build and installation:
1.added application and libraries
Tcl/Tk8.4(as you like)
2.configure options for i18n
# ./configure --with-nls --with-freetype --with-freetype-includes=/usr/include/freetype2
# make
# make install
4.add installation tcltkgrass-i18n
# tar Czxf [grass_dist_dir] tcltkgrass-i18n.tar.gz
[grass_dist_dir]:install direktory for GRASS(default:/usr/local/grass5)
1.start GRASS
$ grass5
2.start tcltkgrass-i18n
note) tcltkgrass-i18n needs mlterm. You must install mlterm before GRASS instllation.
3.enable to display TrueType font on the monitor
GRASS:‾>d.mon start x0
GRASS:‾>d.font.freetype [font=TrueTypefontname] [charset=encoding]
[font]:TrueType font path(full path include font file name)
[charset]:character encoding(EUC-JP,UTF-8,SJIS)
ex.)RedHat Linux9
GRASS:‾>d.font.freetype font=/usr/share/fonts/ja/TrueType/kochi-gothic.ttf charset=EUC-JP
4.disable to display TrueType font on the monitor
GRASS:‾>d.font.freetype font=
note) font option such as d.site.labes command are ignored when you select truetype font.
This program is free software. a license is follow the original version GRASS.
You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of thr GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licnese.
or ( at your option) any later version.
Please refer to COPYING of package appending, and GPL.TXT for details.
GRASS i18n project members:
Masumoto Shinji, Venkatesh Raghavan, Nonogaki Susumu,
Nemoto Tatsuya, Hirai Naoki (Osaka City University, Japan),
Hagiwara Akira, Niwa Makoto, Mori Toru (Orkney Inc., Tokyo),
Hattori Norihiro (E-Solution Service, Inc., Osaka)
Project sponsored by IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan)